I finished Digital Fortress yesterday on the train coming back from Maryland. I had about 150 pages to read when I got on the train and I flew through them in about 90 minutes, just so I could be done with the book. It annoyed me from start to finish, and its only redeeming quality was the laughability of its ending. If you know anything about technology, especially circa 1998, then you will probably find the premise of the ending as ludicrous as I did. Also, a child could figure out the solution to the final puzzle before any of the book's characters did. I promised my brother I'd send it to him, as one of his friends actually works for the government agency featured in the book. I met her this weekend and while she wouldn't admit that any of the facts of the book were true, she said that she thought it was ridiculous and that she made her co-workers read it as well. I can recommend both of Dan Brown's Robert Langdon books, but this one was not really worth my time, and certainly not worth what I paid for it. If my brother loses it, no harm done.
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