Here's how you stop piracy: You won't. Ever. There will always be people who want something for nothing, and no amount of trying is going to stop those people from looking for and finding it. Just accept it and move on.
Here's how you reduce piracy: Make it easier for people who want to access and pay for your content. That means no more arbitrary restrictions on what devices we can view it on. That means making the same content available to everyone, worldwide, simultaneously or as close to it as feasible, and at a fair price that consumers won't balk at.
I've already contacted my congressional representatives, even though Senators Schumer and Gillibrand are co-sponsors of the bill. Maybe all our opposition to it will sway them to withdraw their support. Maybe it will get them to tell the MPAA, RIAA, and other organizations behind the legislation to find different ways of solving this issue that don't involve censoring the innocent.
1 comment:
I completely agree that SOPA and PIPA are not the answer, but as someone coming from the music business, something does have to be done. The good think about SOPA and PIPA is that it got the conversation about piracy out into congress. Music is being consumed more than ever, but the artists are making less and less of their music. It is their intellectual property that is getting stolen which is not okay.
I do agree that SOPA and PIPA would affect many innocent websites, but I don't think it would change the internet to the extent that people are saying it would. I honestly think that whoever would get affected by SOPA did a great job at mobilizing a normally lame youth - something that scared politicians away from the bill.
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