I returned the defective phone for a refund. The seller was willing to send me another one but wasn't sure if he had any in stock. Rather than draw out this ordeal any further (at least with this vendor in LA) I opted to get all of my money back. Except for the $10 I spent to ship the bad phone to California, but I got back the cost of the phone and the shipping. So all is well on that front. Meanwhile, I'm back to square one. I did find another eBay vendor who has a store in Long Island City just across the river and has the same Nokia 6620 phones in stock. There are other stores in Manhattan that sell unlocked phones but their prices are $100-$200 more than I paid in this auction. So I guess it's still eBay or nothing. I'm going out of town for the weekend so it looks resolution will have to wait a few days more.
Yes. As you said there are many stores which sell unlocked phones. But definitely they are costly. The best way is to buy network locked phones from ebay only. They would be cheaper. I too bought a network locked from ebay and unlocked it using unlock code. I got the unlock code from SuperUnlockCodes.com at low cost. So everything was fine at lesser cost than buying an unlocked phone.
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