It's been a strange week in baseball. Last night's All Star Game, which I didn't watch (the first time in years I've skipped the game), ended in a tie when both teams ran out of pitchers in the 11th inning. It sounds like something out of a high school game or Little League. Plenty of great commentary has been written about this fiasco already, so I would just say go over to and have a look. I just can't believe that in a sport where the season seems doomed to a prolonged strike and rumors of steroid abuse run rampant, MLB can't even get its act together long enough to finish a great All Star Game. It boggles the mind. I hope they have a good, long strike later this summer, and that the result is a better revenue model for the game. But it won't happen that way, because the owners will cave like they always do, and we can look forward to many more years of the Yankees winning pennants and World Series trophies. When does football season start?
The other crazy thing in baseball this week is the cryogenic freezing of the body of Ted Williams, in the hope that he could be revived or cloned at some future time. Among the better columns on the subject is this one by Tom Farrey on My favorite quote from the article is by a doctor who is hoping to clone humans someday.
"The world needs more Ted Williamses," Zavos said. "It needs more Elvises. How many happy people would there be if instead of hugging a statue of Elvis Presley, they could hug someone who looks like Elvis?"
As the Sports Guy would say, I don't even have a joke here.
The Ted Williams body business is just sad. I wouldn't have a problem with it (and I doubt too many others would either) if Williams himself had expressed a desire to be preserved this way. A last wish is a last wish, etc. But the fact that his son, John Henry Williams, took this action for his own personal motives, without regard to his father's wishes or the feelings of his siblings (half or otherwise), makes the tragedy of his death even worse. On the other hand, maybe the Red Sox can wheel his "vessel" out into left field at Fenway Park for a memorial service. John Henry can sell DNA samples as souvenirs. Fans can go home and grow their own little Ted Williamses and get rich when they all become major leaguers. Maybe if the Red Sox can get nine of them together, they can field a team that could actually win the World Series someday.
Nah, they'd probably find a way to mess that up too.
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